Wednesday 5 September 2012

The Answer to Everything.

So yeah I created a new blog. I had fun with the last one but damn it was childish as hell. After about a year, I decided to create a new one as I need a place where I can just write without word limit or followers unfollowing just because I posted a personal thing. 

'God of Wind' is a confusing title huh ? Well for my real life friends some of them already know the answer. But still gonna explain everything. Let's start with 'Wind'. Sehun's power in 'MAMA' is wind. So that explains it all. 'God of Wind' means if there are many gods, he'll always be my 'God of Wind'. Because the wind belongs to him and he belongs to the wind. Wind suits him as the wind is silent but it travels for a long distance. And that's exactly how Sehun is. He's not that smiley type of guy nor do he smile a lot. You'll only find him friendly if you know him for a long time. He's also those type of guys which doesn't speak out but silently doing things. He trained for 2 years just to be an idol. To be someone that he knows will hurt him but he still chose it. 

Next, the description. That's how my life is and what he caused to myself. I admit being a fan is really fun and exciting. Having someone to look up for, living for someone, smiling for someone. But the thing is it hurts. Smiling for someone who doesn't even know you exist. What the point of it ? Sigh. Pathetic.

And last but not least, the sidebar picture. It's Chanyeol with wings. It's the best description of a bias. A bias is like an angel that was sent from above to make you happy and all smiley but the truth a bias is actually a devil that will make you cry every night and just rip your heart aparts. An angel that kills.

So yeah explaination complete. It's just a rambling of a fan. lol.

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